Thursday, August 21, 2008

It's official!

Today is the first day of school! Manda is a sophomore this year. As I quickly took a couple of traditional first day of school photos, I was hit with the emotional thought / reminder that this is the last year she will need me to take drive her to her first day of school. Yea, that made me a little misty.

Manda wore an adorable pink and grey outfit with a pair of really cute black and white slip on, open toed shoes. She looked confident and happy to be going back for her second year as a Viking. (hmmm... might have something to do with a Nordstom's purchase we made last night.)
And she was pleased that I let her drive to school this morning. She was thrilled to hear her name called out by her friends as she got out of her car. Some of her friends didn't know she has her permit. (Although how they could not know is beyond me.)

This semester she'll have Algebra II, AP European History, Honors English and Spanish II. Sounds like a pretty full load if you ask me. She'll also add in to the mix "Mock Trial" and Teens for Humanity as well as being a member of the "A Teens." If this doesn't sound like quite enough of a load for a 15 year old, then factor in the 4 - 6 year old All Star dance class she TA's, 3 Technique classes, and 2 Tap classes. Yup..... her plate is pretty full.

I think Manda will have an amazing year. She is pleased with her class schedule, and is thrilled that she will be able to participate in the extra curricular activities that she only dabbled in last year.

Welcome back to OHS class of 2011! Go Vikings!

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